Impact of Fundamentalist Discourses on Family Planning Practices in Pakistan


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Shirkat Gah – Women’s Resource Centre and the Asian-Pacific Resource and Research Centre for Women (ARROW)

Building New Constituencies for Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR): Interlinkages Between Religion and SRHR

Impact of Fundamentalist Discourses on Family Planning Practices in Pakistan

This document is a review that explores existing literature and feedback from experts and field practitioners to understand the impact of extremist and fundamentalist discourses on family planning in Pakistan. The study attempts to assess the effects of rejection and condemnation of family planning by religious authorities, and looks at their narratives against other efforts that have bolstered religious leaders’ endorsement for family planning.

The study aims to help development and human rights practitioners as well as general readers in identifying and mapping the implications of religious fundamentalist discourses on family planning access in Pakistan, and suggests entry points and opportunities for advocacy through a careful analysis of the evidence presented in the paper.


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