International technical guidance on sexuality education: An evidence-informed approach was published in 2018 by UNAIDS, UNFPA, UNICEF, UN Women, and the World Health Organization.
It is a revised edition of the 2009 guidance and benefits from a new review of the current evidence, and reaffirms the position of sexuality education within a framework of human rights and gender equality.
Download PDFThe International technical guidance on sexuality education was developed to assist education, health and other relevant authorities in the development and implementation of school-based and out-of-school comprehensive sexuality education programmes and materials. It is immediately relevant for government education ministers and their professional staff, including curriculum developers, school principals and teachers. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs), youth workers and young people can also use the document as an advocacy or accountability tool, for example by sharing it with decision-makers as a guide to best practices and/or for its integration within broader agendas, such as the SDGs. The Guidance is also useful for anyone involved in the design, delivery and evaluation of sexuality education programmes both in and out of school, including stakeholders working on quality education, sexual and reproductive health (SRH), adolescent health and/or gender equality, among other issues.